Sep 19Liked by Mindy Morin

Good Morning, I have a Reiki story that changed the course of my life.

I had been read by a medium at a group reading with my friends. I really connected with her and decided to do an hour session at a later date.

As is normal, I think I have all of these great questions but Spirit has like a 10 second answer for me. So 30 minute in, we’re done. My team went out for coffee, or whatever spirit does and the medium asked if I’ve ever had reiki.

I laid on the table and went into the deepest meditation I’ve ever been in. I could feel heat and chills moving around my body as she worked around me. My stomach was so loud with its grumblings and gurgling. After the session she talked about me being bullied as a child and as a teenager, things I’d totally pushed down for years. She said that all of the people involved had to deal with karmic energy because of what they did.

I left that day feeling like a huge weight I’d been carrying was gone. I was literally a different person. It was shortly after this I started to learn more about energies and spirit and the Universe around us. I really feel like that one session is why I’m where I am today. I’ll be starting my own reiki training soon, I’m not convinced I’ll be good at it but who knows. Right?

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This comment made me laugh. 🤣 Your guides suggested a Reiki session! It can have that effect for sure! I know several people who work with addicts in reiki sessions and it’s had a profound effect on them in treating their addictions. One of my reiki students does this work. She loves it. You can’t not be good at reiki. It’s just hands on and the reiki flows. You don’t *do* anything. The training and initiation process will change you. That’s always a cool process. ❤️

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Sep 19Liked by Mindy Morin

Damn it…you’re right again. I never thought of it that way🤷🏼‍♀️😂.

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